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Benefits of playing yoga ball

Those who love exercise, especially yoga exercise, may have heard about exercise balls or yoga ball, more or less. Exercise balls have many names in English, such as Balance balls, Exercise balls, Stability Balls, Yoga balls, and many more. But all of them refer to

What are the premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms?

Physical and emotional premenstrual symptoms, such as bloating, fatigue, irritability, and sadness, can be relieved with medication and lifestyle changes. Premenstrual Syndrome or PMS is an abnormal symptom that occurs before menstruation or what many people like to call premenstrual symptoms or  premenstrual symptoms. These abnormal symptoms will

Things to know! tomatoes are fruits

Tomatoes are fruits! which is according to the definition of botanical principles, because fruits are the fully develop ovary part of flowering plants. While vegetables are edible plants of herbaceous plants, whether they be roots, leaves, stems, tubers, shoots, flowers. Which are normally misunderstood by